lunes, 30 de junio de 2014


Artistas unidos por un planeta posible 
invita al recital-homenaje que celebrara 
La Casa de Cultura Latinoamericana y Caribeña 
al acuarelista de la poesía antillana Luis Carbonell, de nacionalidad Cubana.
Pues quedan invitados todos los amantes de la poesía a esta descarga de versos. 

Paro verde nacional, 10 de julio.

lunes, 23 de junio de 2014

Presentación del libro Sobresaturado, del poeta Marckenson Jean-Baptiste

Jean- Batiste y Jacques Viau, dos poetas y una isla
Por: Joel Rivera.

Bienvenido a mi patria Jean- Baptiste
poeta de dos alas: la tuya y la mía.

Hay una isla con olor a sol y a esclavitud, con dos lenguas distintas pero una misma historia y un mismo calvario. De aquel lado está Toussaint, Dessalines y Boyer; de este lado Duarte,Sánchez y Mella. De aquel lado Duvalier, Namphy yManigat; de este lado Santana,Lilís y Trujillo. De aquel lado Jacques Roumain y Jean-Fernand Brierre; de estelado Pedro Mir  y  Manuel del Cabral. De aquel lado Jean Price-Mar; de esta lado Juan Bosch. Pero de ambos lados, sin líneas divisoras ni fronteras, está Jacques Viau  con  sus versos y su fusil.
Jacques Viau Renaud  fue un poeta haitiano quien en la guerra de abril de 1965 se unió a las fuerzas rebeldes, formando parte del comando B-3, para enfrentar las botas invasoras que derrocaron el gobierno  constitucional del profesor Juan Bosch. Pero el 15 de junio del mismo año, en medio del fuego cruzado, un mortero lanzado por las tropas de ocupación le segó la vida, con apenas 23 años cumplidos. Jacques Viau  no muriópor Haití, su patria materna,  nicayó abatidodefendiendo la parte española de la isla, su patria adoptiva; Jacques Viau  muriópor la libertad del hombre, libertad que en ese momento histórico la encarnaba la rebelión del  pueblo dominicano: la libertad deuna isla con olor a sol y esclavitud.  El poeta no se inmola pensando en los laureles que trae  la posteridad ante un sacrificio como esteni para que se develizara una estatua con su nombre, porque sabía de antemano que la sangre derramada en las revolucioneses asfalto de ingratitud y olvido: por eso en estos versos se pregunta:

“(…)¿Qué es el hombre combatido?
Nadie lo recuerda.
Lo visten los trapos.
Lo arrojaron en la parte trasera de la casa
y allí
con los residuos
un guiñapo se amontona.
Las llamas se extinguen.
Se arrinconan los hombres en una sola sombra,
en un solo silencio,
en un solo vocablo,
en un llanto solo
y cuando todo sea uno,
uno el llanto y el vocablo uno
no habrá paz sobre la tierra.
¿No habrá paz?
Y aquellos que dictaminaron el destino del hombre,
los que jamás contaron con los sumisos,
amasarán con sangre su propia podredumbre.
¡No habrá paz!
¡Llanto para quebrar el llanto,
muerte para matar la muerte!”

¿Por qué entonces enemistar a dos pueblos hermanos, siameses de la  misma esclavitud, miseria y explotación?Como hijo de Duarte defiendo  la sentencia168-13, manzana de la discordia, creo que todo país soberano tiene el derecho de establecer las políticas migratorias que juzgue pertinentes.Sin embargo, el conflicto dominico-haitiano de estos últimos días va más allá de una simple sentencia, que como abogado que soy,además de palabreador, puedo decirles, que esta pieza jurídicamañana puede ser derogada por una ley, otra sentencia o desplazada por una jurisprudencia; porque las leyes establecidas enuna sociedad determinadason coyunturales, no son eternas. El problema con el hermano Haití es, que después de ser la colonia más prospera de Francia, y donde se aplicó la más sangrientaesclavitudde las establecidas en el Caribe, hoy día este pueblo explotado y empobrecido por las grandes metrópolis se ha  convertido en la vergüenza de sus tres máximos explotadores: Francia, Estados Unidos y Canadá, a tal punto que  tras conversaciones soterradas lo han  declararlo como país no viable.¿Qué quiere entonces la comunidad internacional  y un sector oscuro de la clase política haitiana?Que un pueblo como el nuestro, con las mismas desigualdades sociales, con los mismos barracones, las mismas cañadas, las mismas casas de hojalata y techos de cartón, los mismos niños callejeros, las mismas niñas prostitutas, la misma falta de oportunidad y ascenso social, la misma discriminación, el mismo desempleo, los mismos políticos corruptos y los mismos empresarios explotadores, carguemos en nuestros famélicos hombros a diez millones de  hermanos haitianos que son muertos civiles en su propio territorio, sin documentos de identificación, sin esperanza, sin futuro.¿Por qué Haití se ha convertido en una vergüenza para aquellos países que nos acusan de racistas y xenófobos? La repuesta a todas estas interrogantes la responde el poeta Jean- Baptiste en estos versos:

“Después de ordeñarla
durante más de dos siglos
-imposible de huir la leche-
la vaca no tiene más leche”

Al igual que su compañero caído, defendiendo nuestra bandera tricolor,MarckensonJean- Baptiste ha hecho de esta patria su pedazo de suelo. ¿Qué fuerza mueve a este joven poeta a abandonar la lengua de Rimbaud, de Mallarmé, de Sartre, de Víctor Hugo y Simone de Beauvoir para escribir en el idioma de Cervantes? La misma fuerza que atrajo a esta parte de la isla a su compatriota JacqueViau: la búsqueda de una tribuna y una lengua distinta para decirle al mundo que:

“Al otro lado del sol
La oscuridad consigue su libertad
Oscureciendo el llanto
Sofocando la voz
Carbonizando los sueños

(…) Al otro lado del sol
 Sobreviven dos gemelas:
Nada y Nadie”.

Nada y  Nadie, eso es Haití y R.D. para la comunidad internacional, no importa el orden  de quien es Nada o quien es Nadie, porque “Ante el fuego somos negros todos”, dice el poeta. Eso somos, decía nuestro Francisco Domínguez Charro: “un pedazo de jungla flotante”“Unegod, oneaim, onedestiny (Un dios, un objetivo, un destino), decía Marcus Garvey, “Nuestro color es nuestra patria/, digo yo, “préstame tu piel, poeta hermano, para cuajar mi sangre/déjame beber en tu pasado para encontrar mi nombre”
Marckenson Jean-Baptiste, al igual que Jacques Viau es un poeta social, “SOBRESATURADO”  de impotencia y rebeldía vuelca en estos versos su desesperanza:

“Malditas lágrimas del cielo
que odia la sed de mi suelo deshidratado
donde las semillas  al fondo
mueren en silencio
en las tripas de las hormigas
Una verdad roja que brilla a mi espada.

Malditas lágrimas del cielo
que siguen fluyendo sobre la cara del río
que nunca está triste: siempre  está  llorando.
No llores por las casas sin techos.
         No llores por mis hermanos
que duermen  con los ojos abiertos
sobre el lecho de la leche en polvo”.

A pesar de sujuventud, y la audacia de escribir en un idioma en el que no domina por completo la sintaxis y su léxico es visiblemente reducido, no tengo la menor duda de que cuando saque del discurso poético la rabia enquistada en su juventud rebelde y se “aplatane” en nuestro idioma, será un gran poeta; pues domina las tres herramientas principales de este difícil arte de hacer versos: la sensibilidad, la intuición y la palabra.Una muestra de lo que le tiene reservado el parnaso literario a este joven rapsoda,es la calidad de estos versos:
“Mañana estaré de viaje;
no sé cuándo regresaré
si te pierdes te encontraré
en la puntuación del verso”.

 Sé, también, que su discurso poético hubiera sido más rico si hubiese escrito este poemario en su lengua materna, pero escogió la nuestra, con la que decimos Dios, Patria  y Libertad. Entonces, bienvenido a nuestra isla Jean- Baptiste, poeta del  mundo, porque yo pregunto con la voz ahogada:

¿Quién dijo que existe una frontera?
si tu historia y mi historia se escribieron con el mismo abecedario
si tu sangre y mi sangre son gotas coaguladas sobre el mismo calvario
si tus tobillos y mis tobillos arrastraron las mismas cadenas.

¿Quién dijo que existe una  frontera?
si tus mujeres y las mías parieron en las mismas cloacas
si tus hijos y los míos  están unidos por el mismo cordón de la miseria
si somos cimarrones de la misma guerra.

¿Quién dijo que existe  una frontera?
si tus  hombros y mis hombros cargaron los mismos martirios
si tu espalda y mi espalda están talladas  con las mismas torturas
si tú eres un Bozal sin esperanza  y yo un  Ladino sin bandera.

¿Quién dijo que existe una frontera?
si el Masacre lo pasamos con los mismos pies descalzos
si sangraron nuestras llagas por las mismas heridas
si resistimos las mordidas de las mismas sanguijuelas.

¿Quién dijo que existe una frontera?
si  el sable  que atravesó tu pecho atravesó mi  alma
si la máscara que  estranguló tu habla se tragó la mía
si tu amo era mi amo, si hicimos la misma travesía.

¿Quién dijo que existe una frontera?
si llegamos  apilados en  Le Ródeur,
si  cantamos juntos   “Tunganma lambe lon”(En otros sitios no se conoce tu nombre)
si llevamos en el vientre la misma braza de candela.

¿Quién dijo que Aranjuez nos separó
que Basilea cambió el color de nuestras pieles
que el  plomo de mi sangre no es tu sangre
que tu bemba ceniza  no es mi bemba.

¿Quién dijo que existe una frontera?
siOgou es mi Petró y  Marimet mi Anaisa Pié
si mis luases imploran  a tus luases
si mis muertos viven al lado de tus muertos.

¿Quién dijo que existe una frontera?
si tus huesos son mis huesos
si somos gemelos con la misma suerte
si somos siameses con la misma muerte.

Muchas gracias.
Presentación del libro  Sobresaturado, del poeta Marckenson Jean-Baptiste

sábado, 21 de junio de 2014



viernes, 13 de junio de 2014

Land Grab at Ile a Vache: Haiti’s Peasants Fight Back

Land Grab at Ile a Vache: Haiti’s Peasants Fight Back

Before Haiti’s Prime Minister declared all of Haiti’s offshore islands to be Zones of Tourism Development and Public Utility, he did not consult with the residents of the islands whose lands would be appropriated. Instead Mr. Laurent Lamothe went to a favorite online magazine in December 2012, to promote his plans. “[W]e have decided to take the tourism development to the island of Ile a Vache, so there we’re going to build an international airport, and then the tourism [infrastructure] to attract investors — we have several investors already…. I think Ile a Vache has great potential, and it doesn’t present the challenges for land title that you might face on the mainland.”
As Ile a Vache, a 20-square mile island off of Haiti’s southern coast was promoted to investors in Qatar, the Dominican Republic, China, the wider Caribbean, the United Kingdom, and United States as being a jewel of the Caribbean and a potential draw for eco-tourists, the residents of the island, mostly small farmers who had cultivated food crops and fished sustainably for more than century, and who occupied homes that had been in their families for many generations, were ignored. The islanders’ requests for meetings with government representatives went unanswered, even while Tourism Minister Stephanie Villedrouin found ample time to report the details of the $230 million project in March 2013, once again, to a magazine.
The island’s coasts and beaches, normally used for fishing, would be appropriated for the construction of several resort hotels (about 1500 hotel rooms), plus 2500 villas and bungalows for a “laid-back, low-density eco-tourism-style development, highlighting areas like cultural heritage, agro-tourism…” Initially, an area called Anse Dufour, near the currently touristic Madame Bernard area, would be developed into the “Village of Marie Anne,” with a community center, radio station, restaurants, bars, cafes, arts and craft shops, theater, school to train hotel workers, pirate museum, health clinics and spas, heliport, villas, and bungalows. Later, there would be yet more bungalows, villas, pools, restaurants, floating bars and ports for hydroplanes. There would also be “agricultural infrastructure” to allow wealthy members of the diaspora, adventure travelers, wellness travelers, and honeymooners to learn to farm sustainably as part of their full eco-tourism experience.
By December 2013, after the island’s only forest had been razed, with assistance from theVenezuelan government, to build an airport with a 2.6-km (1.6 mile) runway, the islanders formed the Organization of Ile à Vache Farmers, or KOPI (Konbit òganizasyon peyizan Ilavach), and began to take to the streets in regular protests. The farmers refused to accept the presidential decree that had appropriated as “state assets” all properties and lands in Haiti’s offshore islands and unilaterally annulled all legal property rights that had resulted from either sales, leases, or bequests from individuals retroactively for five years.
On January 6, 2014, the residents issued a one-week ultimatum to the Haitian government, demanding that it immediately stop all plans for “tourist destination, Ile a Vache.” They were especially incensed by the fact that their need for a hospital and high school had been ignored in favor of hotel rooms and golf courses for tourists. Moreover, they noted that local masons, foremen and technicians had been rejected for construction work in favor of people from out of town. One KOPI leader reported that KOPI members had received death threats, but “even our bones will not leave Ile à Vache.”
The Minister of Tourism did visit Ile a Vache on January 16, 2014, not for a discussion but a presentation that disappointed the residents. The residents complained that Mrs. Villedrouin had merely presented them a slide show, when they had expected to examine detailed plans of the tourism project and participate in an extensive discussion of these plans.
The islanders then undertook a new series of protests in which they blocked the roads to paralyze all business activity and construction work on the island. “Ile a Vache is not for sale, not in bulk not in retail,” they chanted. Soon a group of paramilitaries appeared, who began to attack the people in advance of their protests. On the evening of February 8, 2014, for example, police beat up Charles Laguerre, Bertin Similien, Lethe Feguens, and Maxo Bell and forced them to remove the barricades they had erected for their protest; they also beat up a young woman, Rosena Masena, merely for walking in the area of Madame Bernard.
The protests have caused several of the companies for the tourism-development project to leave the island. On the other hand, the campaign to persecute the residents, especially the KOPI leaders has gone into full swing. On Thursday February 20, 2014 over 100 heavily-armed police from the Motorized Intervention Brigade (BIM) invaded a school and destroyed several houses. The following day, a government delegation inaugurated a new community center, restaurant and radio station even as people protested and KOPI’s Vice President (a well-known policeman on the island) Jean Matulnès Lamy was arrested.
On Tuesday February 25, 2014, despite a heavy rain, a spontaneous protest broke out when the islanders learned that Matulnès Lamy had been taken to the national penitentiary without being allowed to see a judge. A group of BIM policemen arrived at the protest, along with the local interim governor Fritz Cesar, who singled out the KOPI members for arrest. Live ammunition was fired into the crowd to break up the protest; two people were arrested and 12 were injured.
Residents are outraged by the violence that the government has brought to a bucolic agricultural island that had traditionally needed only two policemen. Children can no longer go to school because of the invasion of their school by heavily-armed police. KOPI members have gone underground and say they are being called “bandits” and accused of poisoning people’s minds.
Seventeen Haitian organizations have signed a communique to demand the release of Jean Matulnès Lamy, and pledged solidarity with the Ile à Vache residents. “We, the signatory organizations bring our solidarity to the struggle of the people of Ile a Vache to stop the island from being turned into a zone for tourism, and we denounce the arrest and imprisonment [without trial] of Jean Matulnès Lamy for having supported the mobilization of the people of the island. We denounce the attacks and other arrests by police to intimidate the population. We believe that these actions against the Ile a Vache population fit in with the logic of macoute power, at the service of the international, that does not respect the principle of the right to self preservation, which is a fundamental democratic principle.”
Senate Committee for Justice and Security Chairman, Pierre Francky Exius has qualified the arrest of Mr. Jean Matulnès Lamy as being politically motivated. Senator Exius announced on February 27, 2014 that he will call on Justice Minister Jean-Renel Sanon and the Chief of Police to discuss the Ile à Vache situation.
As Haitian businessman Antoine Izmery remarked in 1993, during a similar administration when Haiti was run by a US-controlled military junta: “This country is so corrupt that the Americans do not have to do the corruption. They let you steal your own country, just giving you a little protection.” Haitian culture and agriculture are being dismantled, not by foreign interests this time, but by corrupt Haitians, with a nod and a wink from their foreign handlers.
The people of Ile a Vache do not recognize the May 10, 2013 government decree that wants to divest them of their lands and declare the entire island a zone of public utility. KOPI President Marc Lainé Donald (Jinal) said: “This is a lousy decree. This project reflects a macabre plan, a rat trap, a collective suicide, that aims to drive all the residents from the island. It is a cultural genocide that puts everyone in the island’s storm and dispossesses people of their lands. No one has the right to build on the island any more. If Ile à Vache is a hidden treasure, its people should enjoy it and get integrated into the proposed developments. We are craftsmen who have worked to beautify this corner of paradise that is so coveted by Lamothe’s administration.”
Ile a Vache residents call on people everywhere, especially Haitians on the mainland and the diaspora, to support their struggle. They caution everyone to remember the proverb: “When chicken passes by and sees turkey being feathered, chicken should check if it is wet.”
Editor’s Notes: For frequent updates on this story, click here.  Photographs two, three, four, six, eight, ten, twelve, fourteen and fifteen by Marie Chantalle. Photographs one, five, seven, nine, eleven and thirteen, and radio reporting in Kreyol by Radyo VKM, Vwa Klodi Mizo.

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18 Responses to Land Grab at Ile a Vache: Haiti’s Peasants Fight Back

  1. +5 Vote -1 Vote +1Lucius
    March 2, 2014 at 4:21 am
    Thank you for reporting this.This story needs to be distributed to all media.
    It is extremely disturbing.
  2. +4 Vote -1 Vote +1Paul Frank
    March 2, 2014 at 10:07 am
    Thank you for the report Dady.
  3. Dady Chery
    +4 Vote -1 Vote +1Dady Chery
    March 2, 2014 at 7:01 pm
    You are welcome, Lucius and Paul. Yes, this story needs broader exposure, although it is circulating in various forms (audio/print, English/French/Kreyol) through Haitian communities at home and abroad. The last time I reported on a land grab for tourism (at La Visite, Haiti), it was after the activist farmers from the area had been killed. The more people know about the current story, the lower the likelihood of such bloodshed.
  4. +4 Vote -1 Vote +1Michael Arnold
    March 3, 2014 at 8:24 am
    Friends of ours just visited Ile a Vache on their sailboat and wrote of their welcoming experience there. I’m shocked to read of another assault on the Haitian population by greedy politicians and corporations. Almost all of the islands in the Caribbean chain appear the same to me with few exceptions: expensive resorts, has-been resorts, golf courses, spoiled nature reserves with zip lines, and economic conflict. The idea of a population living off of the land and sea in peace is almost unthinkable, but there it is in Ile a Vache.
    This article is important as it reveals the social manipulation that will turn a self-sustaining population into a dependent population, dependent on their corporate bosses for survival. I hope to visit in our sailboat in the near future and will report on this subject on the sailing forums I frequent.
  5. Dady Chery
    +3 Vote -1 Vote +1Dady Chery
    March 3, 2014 at 2:35 pm
    I hope you will write about Ile a Vache in your sailing forum, Michael.
    There is so much that I could have written about Ile a Vache, such as the fact that it is a hot spot of biodiversity, and that this biological wealth is closely linked to the farmers’ sustainable practices. Indeed, the attacks on the farmers illustrate how capitalism makes people dependent. Turn a fisherman or farmer into a hotel worker, and you’ve got him in a box. You completely control his earnings (minimum wage in Haiti is less than 54 cents/hour) and where (bribes, taxes, etc.) they go. Furthermore, this looks great on paper: so long as international bankers can monetize the activities of a population, the GDP keeps climbing.
  6. -2 Vote -1 Vote +1Roger Cherlin
    March 3, 2014 at 5:56 pm
    The problem is Haitians don’t even care about their homeland any more. I contacted director Ronald Cesar of VOA en creole and many other diaspora media. I didn’t even get a reply.
    Moreover in Haiti this problem is silenced. The only radio station in Haiti that dares to voice it is C. CHARLES Vwa Klodi Mizo.
    Mwen bouke, m’gen plis pase 20 an ke m t’ap fè goumen pou pèp m’nan. Se zansèt nou ki te goumen pou ban nou libète. M’ap koumanse kwè nou pa merite libète a ditou. Lè m’ap pale ak zanmi’m yo sou dosye sa a yo di ki mele’m. So go figure!
    Just check out the Haitian so-called professional forum on LinkedIn. Just silly posts, trash I never saw a single discussion.
    Good luck. Farewell
  7. Dady Chery
    +4 Vote -1 Vote +1Dady Chery
    March 3, 2014 at 8:45 pm
    Roger: Surely you don’t mean Voice of America Creole? Why should a US propaganda radio be interested in publicizing a rebellion against the plan to sell Haitian territory illegally to foreign concerns that include the US?
    Vwa Clodi Mizo is not the only radio station that has carried this story. Radio Metropole did a story on Ile a Vache on Monday March 3, 2014 titled “Ile-à-vache : l’arrestation du policier Jean Maltunès Lamy ne fait qu’envenimer la situation.” Jafrikayiti has been having regular radio discussions on the topic; the story has been reported in print/audio, English/French/Kreyol by people everywhere: small efforts that have been quite big in the aggregate.
    The professional forums are not good places to approach, since they tend to be highly focused, and as you say, quite stupid sometimes. Also, many Haitians know nothing of Haitian life outside of Port-au-Prince and take for granted the country’s agricultural workers.
    Our ancestors did a kick-ass job, but they never said the revolution was finished. Again and again, there will be attempts to turn free Haitians into slaves: farmer/fishermen into 54 cents/hour hotel workers. Revolutions are continuous. They must be fought again and again. Of course, we get tired, but we cannot quit. We quit, we lose. Very simple.
  8. Vote -1 Vote +1Roger Cherlin
    March 4, 2014 at 12:02 pm
    Hi Dady Chery
    Nice reply.
    I just wanted to let you know that Mr. R. Cesar of VOA creole did get in touch with me. He informed me that VOA creole is aware of the situation and is working on this issue.
  9. Dady Chery
    +2 Vote -1 Vote +1Dady Chery
    March 4, 2014 at 12:16 pm
  10. +2 Vote -1 Vote +1Mark Folse
    March 9, 2014 at 2:30 pm
    Is there a list of companies involved in the development, particularly large US design and build firms, and resort/hotel companies?
  11. Dady Chery
    +2 Vote -1 Vote +1Dady Chery
    March 9, 2014 at 4:35 pm
    The short list of potential investors, released by the Haitian government in August 2013, was: Blue Marlin Development, SA; Charles Fequiere, SA; Royal Oasis; and Holmes Haiti International Development Limited, LLC. The Venezuelan government has also invested in the tourism project. Madonna was given a tour of the island by Haiti’s Tourism Minister in November 2013, and the British Soccer player David Beckham expressed an interest in investing in the island in February 2014. The accounting firms for the project are Merove-Pierre and PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).
  12. +1 Vote -1 Vote +1cynthia hart
    March 15, 2014 at 4:26 am
    This just makes my blood boil. I had the privilege to be part of the M/V Sea Hunter crew who brought aid to Haiti after the 2010 earthquake. We spent a few weeks off loading the 200 tons of supplies, which gave me time to meet so many wonderful Haitian people (in Les Cayes, Marigoanne and Ile a Vache); however, I was also exposed to their corrupt government. It saddens me that some will exploit others for their own profit. Ile a Vache is so beautiful and peaceful, and as I walked around and observed some of the people going about their day, I thought how wonderful that there were still places like this to live. My thoughts and prayers are with the people.
  13. -2 Vote -1 Vote +1Fred S.M.
    March 17, 2014 at 9:26 am
    It’s unfortunate that the current government did not include the population in their decision making, that was a terrible mistake.
    However, many Haitians who are still fighting the war of independence should also think that their country need to progress and be developed to move it out of the deep hole of misery and abject poverty.
    Therefore, a well planned with a participative objective such as this one is, and will be necessary to develop Haiti, and for now tourism is the best and logical solution, as adopted by our island neighbors.
    Progress is necessary, and must sometimes be imposed, like a medicine to improve Haiti’s economy.
  14. Dady Chery
    +3 Vote -1 Vote +1Dady Chery
    March 17, 2014 at 12:37 pm
    It is unfortunate that the government has issued warrants for the arrests of the representatives of the Ile a Vache residents who want to have a discussion with them. In fact, one of these people, Jean Matulnes Lamy, has been imprisoned without charge or trial since February 25, 2014. That is indeed a terrible mistake, and one that the government can fix at any time.
    Our island neighbors who have experienced tourism do not recommend it. They report that it ruins the environment and brings along problems that include organized crime, prostitution and a host of sexually-transmitted infections, such as HIV.
    Progress is not the destruction of virgin coasts to dredge ports or forests to build airports. It is also not the replacement of an agricultural economy with minimum-wage 54-cents-per-hour jobs in sweatshops and tourism. China is out-competing the sweatshops while paying better wages to its workers. A single health advisory, and the tourism disappears.
    The agricultural economy that some so-called educated people in Haiti disparagingly call a “rice-and-bean” economy is what paid all of Haiti’s debts and kept Haiti independent for three centuries. If nobody buys your rice and beans, you can always eat them. Try that with tourism.
  15. +3 Vote -1 Vote +1D. Jean-Jacques
    April 9, 2014 at 7:58 am
    I left Les Cayes in 1972 at the age of 12. My family still owns land in Cayes. It is sad to hear that the government in Haiti remains corrupt in today’s age, and it is not fair how the lands in Ile a Vache are taken away from their owners. I am praying for the owners to keep their lands in Ile A Vache.
  16. -1 Vote -1 Vote +1adfd
    April 11, 2014 at 1:11 pm
    The island does not even have drinking water or electricity. They are trying to improve life on the island and you come and write this as if they are doing a bad thing. If someone has an issue with his land, he can get a lawyer and go to the court system, but when you start burning tires or create disobedience they have to arrest you. Your article only represents just one side of the story.
    • Dady Chery
      +3 Vote -1 Vote +1Dady Chery
      April 11, 2014 at 1:35 pm
      In any prosperous country with a democratic government, where people can afford to hire lawyers, etc., this might be the way to proceed, but Haiti is neither of these. For more information, I recommend that you read my most recent article about Ile a Vache, which deals with human-rights abuses on the island.
      To summarize: The Martelly-Lamothe regime spoke to everybody about the Ile a Vache “development” project except the people who would be affected, and it still is not engaging in a dialogue with them. The regime’s response to the protests in February 2014 was to replace the local police chief and judiciary for the island with people who had been hand picked by Martelly. In real democracies, this does not happen. Furthermore, the regime has unleashed 115 militarized police on the island who have been abusing the inhabitants.
      No, I do not pretend, like the wishy-washy mainstream press people to “tell both sides of the story.” I tell the side of the Ile a Vache peasants and do it truthfully. Haiti’s regime can put out press releases, call press conferences, and give dictations to the mainstream press any time it wishes. Moreover, by convention, the mainstream treats as newsworthy anything that government officias say, without verification. Had it not been for the alternative press (radio/print/video in Kreyol/French/ English), the peasants on Ile a Vache would have been voiceless.
  17. +1 Vote -1 Vote +1rk
    April 11, 2014 at 1:22 pm
    I had Ile a Vache on my travel plans for this year. Was hoping to spent six weeks but after reading this report, it doesn’t sound like such a happy place. Guess I’ll give it a skip and take my money to Port Antonio, Jamaica.
    If this is how the Haitian government treats its citizens, I encourage everyone to boycott the country. Who needs to support another dictatorship!
    My best to the good folks on Ile a Vache. Sorry I’m going
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